22 May 2024
5 minutes read
software development
software development
22 May 2024
5 minutes read
5 Most Essential Front End Web Development Tools
Frontend web development is a high in demand, astonishingly paying career these days. However, in this career, all that matters are the tools that you are using for programming. Tools can make the everyday tasks of a programmer convenient and keep you and the website on top, hence, even making the clients delighted.
Rabil Bilal , Content Marketer

Table of Contents

  • Atom
  • Git
  • HTML5 boilerplate
  • Bootstrap

Below, we will be listing as well as recommending the tools that are essential for frontend web development and your successful career as a developer. These are the latest as well as the most used tools, and some of them can be obtained free of cost! Isn’t it amazing?

List of Best Frontend Developers tools and technologies:

Further, we will be describing our preferable frontend web development tools by categories wherein the above tools fall.


Other suggestions: Sublime Text and Visual Studio Code


If you are a developer, you might know that all the editors provide a simple, plain text format for the code that is reflected later on the website. However, with Atom, you can rationalize your work by customizing the code with many add-on functions, themes and features. This will benefit by giving you a picture of the website while coding it, hence, saving your time editing it again and again. Moreover, as the parent company of Atom, and Git and GitHub is the same, you can access both of them as well directly from Atom like a package.

When it comes to other esteemed editors, Sublime Text tops the list due to its GotoAnything Feature which enables you to navigate quickly within the codes, highlight similar sections, and multi-select to save keystrokes.


Other suggestion: Apache Subversion (SVN)


A developer needs to keep a track of all the changes that he/she makes while coding as sometimes you might want to return to earlier versions. Whether you are a freelancer or a part of a team, you will need a reliable version control system for it.

When it comes to recommending a version control system, Git tops our list. Not only us, but many developers are using Git nowadays it allows you and your team to work with the same files and project simultaneously in a decentralized manner without overwriting someone else’s work. It gives a developer more freedom to work effectively. However, if you want a centralized version for your enterprise, you can go from Apache Subversion.

HTML5 boilerplate

Other suggestion: Reset CSS


A website is a compilation of a long set of coding, and as a developer, imagine doing it from the scratch every time you develop a new website. Waste of time, isn’t it? Hence, developers use boilerplates to save the code templates so that it gives you a kick start. It enables you to save sets of HTML, JavaScript, and CSS files so that instead of spending time on the basic codes, you can invest it in crafting new ideas.

For frontend boilerplates, HTML5 Boilerplate is our top recommendation. This is because of its worldwide demand and usage, and, hundreds of developers who have uploaded their piece of work on open-source projects that make it easy for other developers to set their websites error-free. Our second suggestion is to Reset CSS, however, it only hoards CSS boilerplate code.


Other suggestion: Semantic UI


Frontend frameworks are the packages of files that you used for styling and laying out the websites and are crucial and essential in frontend development. They consist of on-the-go navigation menus, forms, buttons, typography, and many more in order to save your time coding it.

They have a variety of ranges from which you can select the best for your business, from fully-featured to minimalistic. Our recommendation Bootstrap is the perfect selection for responsive websites even if you are a beginner or an advanced developer. Our second favorite option is Semantic UI that will give you an option to select from a variety of themes.

There are some other frontend development tools that can be categorized, like, Java Libraries, Java Frameworks, CSS Pre-processors, and some more that are equally important for frontend development. All of them together make the website appropriate and hassle-free.


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